Crane A bumps into crane B and causes crane B’s steel plate to swing striking the client in the legs.


trial graphic of car accident

A truck driver ignores the “right turn only” lane and speeds into the path of the client’s car.


Trail exhibit used to visually represent pain and suffering in a personal injury case

This graphic was used at a mediation along with a number of other illustrations to quantify and describe the damage suffered by a client paralyzed in a golf cart accident. We made a choice to include a photograph of the client looking at the camera to draw in the audience for greater impact (different, similar, stock photo substituted here for confidentiality).


Trial graphic showing the components of an electrical outlet used in an electrocution case

Graphic depicts aspects of a properly grounded outlet, in a case involving a client who received a severe electric shock.


Chart listing golf industry standards used to show breach of duty

This graphic demonstrative chronicles a series of breaches in the standard of care by a golf course, which resulted in an accident in which the client was paralyzed.


Trial exhibit of injury x-rays

The use of X-rays increased the impact of the damages in this case.